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One point of view, taking note of sundry "cool" things that affect-- or could affect-- the education business.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Panasonic's eBook Reader Live

There's little else to say, other than "just look at that 1024x600 color display." Though it's admittedly not e-ink, and yes, it's shameless that Panny would go all hucksterish and put a skimpy bikini where your e-book should go. But if you read further at the Engadget post, they've got shots of that LCD screen showing text and manga, and frankly, the display looks like it's pretty sharp. Battery life may be an issue, but it's better than a laptop and plays almost as many file formats, so this little number may make one heck of a textbook one day. And, at $350, it's competitive with Sony's yet-to-deliver grayscale wonder. And far, far less than the $900 iLiad from iRex, which earned first-to-market props for e-ink technology but so far hasn't done much more than offer pilot flight documentation in a sublicense deal.

Click the Source link to check out Engadget's other cool pictures of the Word Gear from Panasonic.

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