Distributed Computing Offers Alternative Path to 1:1
According to a story posted here by eSchool News-- a story which runs only slightly shy of being a press release-- there's a new alternative to attain 1:1 computing for US schools.
nComputing, a Korean company with operations around the world, has developed a hybrid hardware/software offering that allows the creation of up to 30 "thin client" terminals running from one server or computer. Delivering everything from data to power over cabled connections, the technology allows users to share centralized processing power and RAM, a solution that may take a performance hit on high-overhead applications like gaming, but according to the company, not on more routine school tasks like surfing the interwebs, word processing, e-mail, and basic productivity applications.

In the nComputing model, a monitor, keyboard, and mouse are hooked up to a small box that is cable-connected to a central computer. The "client" actually has no processor, RAM, or overhead of its' own. According to nComputing, costs for the boxes and software can be as low as $70 per seat, though it's likely that keyboards, monitors, and mice would not be included in that figure.
There was a demonstration of a thin-client setup at NECC; it might even have been nComputing. KSC/LSC actually played with the technology, putting it through some basic paces that might happen in a regular school setting. We surfed a little, ran a few web-based apps like Writely and Google Spreadsheets, picked up e-mail through gmail and Yahoo, and even watched a YouTube video. The video took a few minutes to load, but then played nearly flawlessly (*IF* you can call a YouTube video "flawless"). The concept, and at least the practical demo, seem to make a lot of sense.
nComputing says that most computers and their human users barely scratch the surface of chip/system capability for the most common tasks we use. Their theory is that several users can share those computing resources simultaneously and not take a significant performance hit. The clients don't even have software installed; it's all centralized on the single server or computer that's being shared. This makes for easy maintenance and updates, with lower costs to upgrade when the time comes, according to the company.
Whether or not distributed computing is "the next big thing," it's certainly an option to consider for institutional use, given the growing demand for 1:1 computing capability. Schools in Colorado and Idaho have already adopted nComputing solutions, and the company is counting on word of mouth to spread their success story around the nation and the world. But with the growing availability of web-based applications and productivity tools, it's a safe bet that distributed computing will at least get a second look from schools and organizations with high seat-count demands for low-overhead computing.
Cool, huh?
nComputing, a Korean company with operations around the world, has developed a hybrid hardware/software offering that allows the creation of up to 30 "thin client" terminals running from one server or computer. Delivering everything from data to power over cabled connections, the technology allows users to share centralized processing power and RAM, a solution that may take a performance hit on high-overhead applications like gaming, but according to the company, not on more routine school tasks like surfing the interwebs, word processing, e-mail, and basic productivity applications.

In the nComputing model, a monitor, keyboard, and mouse are hooked up to a small box that is cable-connected to a central computer. The "client" actually has no processor, RAM, or overhead of its' own. According to nComputing, costs for the boxes and software can be as low as $70 per seat, though it's likely that keyboards, monitors, and mice would not be included in that figure.
There was a demonstration of a thin-client setup at NECC; it might even have been nComputing. KSC/LSC actually played with the technology, putting it through some basic paces that might happen in a regular school setting. We surfed a little, ran a few web-based apps like Writely and Google Spreadsheets, picked up e-mail through gmail and Yahoo, and even watched a YouTube video. The video took a few minutes to load, but then played nearly flawlessly (*IF* you can call a YouTube video "flawless"). The concept, and at least the practical demo, seem to make a lot of sense.
nComputing says that most computers and their human users barely scratch the surface of chip/system capability for the most common tasks we use. Their theory is that several users can share those computing resources simultaneously and not take a significant performance hit. The clients don't even have software installed; it's all centralized on the single server or computer that's being shared. This makes for easy maintenance and updates, with lower costs to upgrade when the time comes, according to the company.
Whether or not distributed computing is "the next big thing," it's certainly an option to consider for institutional use, given the growing demand for 1:1 computing capability. Schools in Colorado and Idaho have already adopted nComputing solutions, and the company is counting on word of mouth to spread their success story around the nation and the world. But with the growing availability of web-based applications and productivity tools, it's a safe bet that distributed computing will at least get a second look from schools and organizations with high seat-count demands for low-overhead computing.
Cool, huh?
At 7:16 PM, April 30, 2007,
Anonymous said…
This technology is totally understimated. This thin client over IP will revolutionize the corporate Enterprise infrastructure, specifically the remote branch office desktop & network. Mark my words!
Essentially, the corporate desktop has just been relocated to the data centre.
All of a sudden QoS per application to provide business units with SLAs (Service Level Agreements) over Telcos to branch offices are no longer required (except for VoIP), PC physical security dissapears (no more branch PC thefts and especially no data loss, it's all in a secure data centre), no more need for per service firewalling at remote branch offices, all security becomes centralized as access lists at some data centre router. Power consumption reduction alone justifies part of the purchase, going from 200 or 300 watt power supplies to 10 watts. More freed up physical deskspace for end user. Enterprise PC life cycle gets increased from 3 years to 10 years. Due to 10 year MTTF (mean time to failure) and 25 out of 250,000 units failing, say goodbye to expensive drive-to-the-branch-office & replace the PC. The cost savings of WAN bandwidth are hugely dramatic (30Kbit/sec streams vs doing 30 or 100 Mbyte SQL queries, or waiting 5 minutes to login to a domain due to inneficient Windows CIFS protocols)... it goes on, no more need for expensive WAN optimization technology at the branch edge network (to optimize chatty protocols like CIFS, SQL queries etc). End-users see a HUGE speed increase in all their apps because host PCs in data centres are right beside servers and all are connected at 1 Gigabit/sec links at layer 2 with 1 or zero router hops. You could even connect host PCs & servers with LACP & provide client to server 8 Gigabit connections! Remote software deployment gets super easy (just 1 host PC to worry about). It goes on and on and on. They sold 250,000 units in 2 years. I would bet money they will reach 10 to 50 million in less than 3 years, provided they can keep up with the logistics of hardware production & delivery channels + providing Enterprise centralized management software that is up to par with VMware. That's the other thing, Host PCs could just be VMware slices you bring up and down. Cost of average Enterprise PC today = $650 USD. Price of L200 (the most expensive solution) = $219 USD w/ 10 year life cycle, so really 1/3 of $219. You do the math!
If you hear of any competitors to this thin client over IP, please email me: adeptus@telus.net
And yes people do read your blog :)
At 11:59 PM, July 31, 2008,
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At 6:17 AM, February 17, 2017,
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